
Carry the Light of Christ

What is an acolyte?

An acolyte is a helper or attendant who bears the flame that lights the candles at the opening of the service and extinguishes them at the service's conclusion. We are searching for Acolytes grades 4th and up (needs to be able to carry the candle, light candles, and hold/serve communion trays if Communion Sunday) to help the Pastors on Sunday mornings in the traditional 8:30 or 11:00 services. We need 2 people per service on Communion Sundays and 1 server on the other Sundays (can have 2 but only 1 needed). This is a great opportunity to serve in the church. Thank you all for considering this opportunity feel free to share with anyone of age that may be interested. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Dana Starling at

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