Contact: Claudia Beamon

Who are the Waverunners?

Run with the Waverunners! This amazing group of members age 50+ plans worship, fellowship, and service opportunities for those looking for adventure. The name was chosen to reflect our coastal location and the high energy of our ministry. Our mission is to enrich the lives of older adults, affirming the gifts, graces, and wisdom born of experience that older adults bring to the ministry within the church and the world. Register below for our current adventures or contact Claudia Beamon or the church office if you are interested or have any questions.
Claudia Beamon

2024 Adventures

Ready - Set - Go!
WaveRunners are ready!

Mark your  calendar!!
January 21 - Southern Salt dutch lunch
March 26 - Arlie Gardens Wilmington
April 23 - Oriental
May 15 - Beaufort Double Decker Bus Tour

Times and more information about trips will be coming soon.
Get your bus ticket today! The WaveRunners are taking the double decker bus tour of Beaufort on May 15th. Cost of the tour is $15 due at registration. We will grab a dutch lunch before boarding the bus. The tour begins at 1:30pm. Register online or in the church office. Checks can be made payable to First Methodist Church with WaveRunners in the memo. Departure details are in the works. The bus will hold 40 people so this is a great opportunity to invite a friend!
WaveRunners will be traveling to Wilmington to visit Airlie Gardens on March 26th.  We will leave the church at 8:30am and arrive at Airlie Garden and take a tram tour of the gardens at 11:00am. We will have lunch at Blue Water Grill. Limited to 14 so sign up early!  Payment of $10 is due when you sign up online or at church office.
Join the Waverunners for a Dutch Lunch at Southern Salt after church around 12:15/12:30 on Sunday, January 21st. Please call church or sign up online so that we can give the restaurant an estimated number of place settings.