First Methodist Morehead City continues to send support directly to Ukraine through relationships that Pastor Patrick built while serving in Russia and Ukraine. Thank you for your generosity and please continue to keep our brothers and sisters in Christ covered in prayer. They are appreciative of our love and support and continue to praise God and feel His presence as they do His work.

September 2024 Update

Hello dear brother Patrick,

We would like to thank you very much to you personally and whole your church for your spiritual and financial support! Thanks to this support many poor people, old people and  orphans in Ukraine could get help and hear the Gospel of God. God is good!

“In you, Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.”

Psalm 31:1-2
Type your new text here.

August 2024 Update

Hello dear brother Patrick,
This week we sent the buses with food and medical supplies to the East Ukraine. Please, pray for the ministry in Ukraine, that this mission trip to front line could touch lives many people in need and bring them hope and knowledge of Jesus Christ. We are appreciate for your generous participation on the ministry and thank Lord for you!
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Hello dear brother Patrick,
We would like to thank you very much to you personally and whole your church for your spiritual and financial support! Thanks to this support many poor people, old people and  orphans in Ukraine could get help and hear the Gospel of God. God is good!

“In you, Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.”
Psalm 31:1-2
Hello dear brother Patrick,

I send you some pictures of mission trip to Doneck´s and Charkov´s region in July. It was served around 240 people by food, medicine and the most important the preaching the Gospel of God!
We are focused on old people and children, that lost at least one of the parents. We praise God, that He has all this situation under His control! “So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or "What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:31–34
Hello dear brother Patrick,

I greet you in the name of oul Lord Jesus Christ! We send you some picture from ministry to old and poor people in Cherson´s and Zhaporizzhia´s region. During 2 weeks there it was serve many people. More, than 600 people were served: received food, clothes, medicines and could hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Many of them received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior! We are so greatful to God, that could bring these people, which are in hopeless situation, could bring them THE HOPE from God. Thank you very much dear Patrick, that you participate so relevantly on the ministry by spiritual and financial support! Thank you very much!
Hello dear brother Patrick,

I send you again some pictures from the mission trip to Cherson´s and Doneck´s. The trip is always hard time, when you see the suffering of people – children, old people. When they lose their houses, property, relatives, parents... But on the other hand it is good time, when our brothers and sisters could preach these people the Gospel of God and tell them, that there is HOPE and way out from their heard situation in Jesus Christ! Around 300 people could received food and medicine and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord!

We are very grateful to you and your church for the prayers and support! God bless you richly!
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

June 2024 Update

From our brothers and sisters in Ukraine:

Our humanitarian mission in Kharkiv region is coming to an end. During these days we visited different villages, where people live in difficult conditions and need help and support. We brought them food kits, generators, as well as the word of God and prayer. We want to share with you our impressions and testimonies of what we saw and heard. In the village of Varvarivka we left food kits just in the village council, because we could not meet with the locals. Before our arrival there was an air strike, and people are afraid to go out on the street, because enemy drones are flying. We miraculously managed to get here, because volunteers are not allowed there. We just say: God will lead us where there are needy, and protect us from everything. We pray for these people, that they do not lose hope and faith. In Vovchansk we also left part of the aid in the church to the pastor. He and his wife told us how people cautiously walk the streets and fear constant shelling. We also visited our defenders, to whom we handed over generators, real Ukrainian lard, dry rations. It was our gift and gratitude for their courage and self-sacrifice. We were touched by their words and hugs. We thank them for what they do for our country. World Day was coming to an end, and broken roads did not allow to drive fast. We decided to stay in Kharkiv. The next day we went on and bring the word of God and part of the aid to the needy. We went to Vilshany, and then to the village of Merefa, where we were warmly welcomed, listened to the sermon, and some even repented and asked to pray for them. We were glad to see their happy faces and hear their testimonies of how God works in their lives. This time our trip to Kharkiv region was special. I felt the presence of God, who led me and our team and protected us. Thank you to everyone who joined this difficult matter, and may God protect our country and each of us. Ps and of course we could not help but visit the \"mother and child house\" which we constantly help, brought food, hygiene, diapers, and of course gifts. And the best, gratitude is sincere children's smiles, from which you understand why you do it and why. We want to thank everyone who joined in the help: Myroslav Biley for financial assistance for fuel, Eleonora Lola for food and canning, Victoria Mygovych-Parshina for food for our defenders, Ernest Brugosh for food and canning, bf \"Owl's Nest\" for generators, food, drinking water, also thank Rudolf Balazhynets for helping with food, drinking water, canning. For me personally, it is a great honor to be with the team: Kris Farkash; Aram Afiyan, Vadim Surmay who risk their lives and ride with me in the front-line zones. A big thank you also to the guys from the unit \"Brotherhood\" who always accompany us in our business on dangerous sections thank the commanders Igor Nazarevich and Yuri Kovalonok."

February 2024 Update

Hello dear brother Patrick!
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! How are you dear brother? We are good, praise the Lord. This week we send next buses with food and medicine to Ukraine. Please, keep at the moment in prayer our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Now, very hard situation at the front line. Russian soldiers intensively bombard Ukrainian army positions and go slowly ahead. Maybe you head about Alina´s brother. It is so unbelievably! We pray intensively this week about the situation in Ukraine. We know, that our God is Almighty!
Prayers for Vasa...

Vasa, was an active church member from western Ukraine who served in Ukrainian military in eastern Ukraine. Prayers!

Thank you so much, Patrick! My family is going through a really tough time right now. None of us can believe what has happened. My uncle faced the possibility of death every day. He served as a driver for soldiers on the frontline of the war, shuttling troops between rest and combat zones. His vehicle was always laden with ammunition. He was at the forefront of the war, and all the soldiers who served with him attested to his unwavering commitment and bravery. Every day, he drove ‘on the edge,’ yet by the grace of God, he remained safe for two years without ever returning home. He always felt a deep sense of responsibility for the lives of his fellow soldiers. Thank you for your prayers. I believe my uncle is now at peace with Jesus.

He volunteered for the Ukrainian military 2 years ago. He has been fighting near the front lines. He and his family were very active in a church in Uzhgorod. Ukraine.

January 2024 Update

Hello dear brother Patrick,
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I send you some photos from last visit of places not far from frontline (Donetsk's, Cherson's and Charkov's region) where our brothers and sisters serve to orphans and people in need.
Thank you very much for your prayers and support! God bless you in your ministry!
Thank you very much dear pastor Patrick! We greatly appreciate your pravers and support!!!

With our “Pet” ministry, money has been given to 9 different animal shelters in 8 different cities across Ukraine.

Pictures of a village in Donetsk regeion in Eastern Ukraine. Children are in an orphanage that we started due to death of parents in war. Prayers!

December 2023 Update

Hello dear brother Patrick,
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I send you some photos of refuge center in Bucha´s region, where our team serve kids, that are orphans from east part of Ukraine: Bachmut´s region, Cherson´s region and Donets´k region and Luhansk´s region, where they lost their parents or live with only one parent. Mostly these kids need medical help and psychological help because of consequences of war. At the moment there are around 60 children at the refuge center. At the moment We are preparing Christmas gifts for these kids to bring them at least a little bit joy and help them to  ease the pain of losing parents. Also to show, that God is able to give them the sense in their life! God is good!

September 2023 Update

Hello Patrick! Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!! We've recieved money! Many thanks from pastor Sasha, from me and Katya, from brothers and sisters of our methodist church in Chernivtci, from leaders and people in rehab centre and many others. Your support during this terrible war in Ukraine is great testimony of God's love and His real power. We actualy see amazing God's care about us and many people here in Ukraine through you. We are grateful and we praise God for yours love to God and to people. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you Patrick, your family, your church and all people in USA who support and pray for us all this time!

I send you photos from ministry in orphanage in Bucha's region. We take care of this orphanage during for a long time. Kids are happy to have reconstructed house. (we almost finished with the work). It is so joyfully to see smile at these children faces. Thank you dear Patrick for your prayers and help! God bless you!

August 2023 Update

May 2023 Update

Pastor Patrick has been doing interviews with Lockwood about the ongoing invasion of Ukraine and the current needs of their people on Viewpoints on the Talk Station found on 107.1 FM. Click the link below to watch an interview on their Facebook page. You can also listen to an interview with Pastor Vladimir from Slovakia, Pasha from Ukraine, and Elina who is a Ukrainian refugee living in South Carolina with some of her relatives.

April 2023 Update

Ukrainian Church Members saying "Christ has Risen, Christ has Risen indeed!"
Hello dear brother Patrick,

We send you hello from 2 orphanages from Buchan´s region and Sumi´s region. The orphanages in Sumi´s region – SHOSTKA is still under Russian attack permanently, cause is located near Russian border. But praise the God, that fathful people are there and serve kids and other people in need. At the moment We focus and serve in 2 direction: 1) Orphans in Ukraine (mostly East part of Ukraine) 2) Soldiers, old and poor people near front line. At the moment We serve thousands people in Ukraine, that need physical help but most important spiritual help – to receive Jesus Christ as personal Saviour. Please, say THANK to your church that help running this important ministry! Praise the Lord!

Food, clothes and medicine we send every week to Ukraine, to people in need. Praise the Lord!

One Year Anniversary

Update from our friends in Ukraine

Dear brother Patrick,

On 24 February 2022, we went through one hard and difficult year. We went through it together! During this year we served thousands of people in need, our brothers and sisters were near the front line and risked their lives, but serve people in need. We gave them also shelter and help to fix and reconstruct their destroyed by bombs houses.

Through materials and physical help, we gave them spiritual food and proclaim the Gospel of God. Many people were saved and gave their life to Jesus Christ! Everything could be real and happen because of your prayers and support! Dear brother Patrick let me thank you very much for your support of our ministry!

We would be very appreciative if you will be able to continue to help us in ministry if it is possible. We still looking for brothers and sisters who want to participate on the ministry. Thank you very much and God bless you richly!

Vladamir Vuksta

Thanks from Vladimir Vuksta in Ukraine...

February 2023

Hello dear brother Patrick, I send you more photos, which were taken near the front line. We have sent food and medicine to people from Sloviansk, Bachmut, Kramatorska, Liman, and Cherson. Our brothers served around 1,000 civilians and 600 Ukrainian Soldiers in these regions. They prayed together, shared testimonies, and preached. It is a good way of evangelization when you physically help people and at the same time give them "spiritual food" - the Word of God!

New Year, New Supplies - Jan 2023

Our partnership church in Slovakia supported by our financial resources and prayers delivering much need food, medicine, supplies and Christmas gifts in villages in Donetsk region 20 - 30 miles of the war zone.

Ukraine Relief - Dec 2022

The church First Methodist Morehead City has been supporting in Slovakia has been able to send food, medical supplies, and generators to Eastern Ukraine Donetsk Oblast (State) in the Donbas region.
Throughout the year, we have sent relief to Ukraine specifically designated to support pets and pet owners as they have had to flee their homes and seek refuge.
With this funding, our friends in Ukraine have built a new animal shelter in Lviv.
We do love our pets!

Ukraine Relief - Nov 2022

Relief continues for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine as they were able to purchase food in Slovakia and take to families in Eastern Ukraine that have been liberated from Russians! This is Thanksgiving!

Support for Ukraine

Thanks again my dear brother for your prayers and support! Now several days I’m in Kyiv, now in Uzhhorod Pasha and Zhenya hard working) Everything is good there, and we also do big work with sending food and other stuff to the hard regions. Also, We see that now more people need shelter, so we are thinking about taking one more level in our building in rent.
In Kyiv I saw that Russian tanks were already there, but they have gone. I think it’s because the whole world was in prayers about Ukraine at that time. Because it’s really a miracle, that they didn’t continue to go to the center of Kyiv, it’s 10 km left for them. Also, I was in Bucha and other places which were occupied and destroyed. And in these cities, all the fences along the streets are full of bullet holes.  That is, Russian soldiers simply fired blindly to the right and left when they walked along these streets, killing civilians.  This is because the civilian population also tried to match, apparently. So next week will go back, and with new power will continue our ministry. We are so blessed by you and your church  You are in our prayers

Every day we see God's miracles in our refugee shelter.  Many people already go to church regularly, some have personally met Jesus.  It is a special joy to see how children begin to know God.  Next Sunday, some children from our shelter will recite poems) They like it in church!  On Monday, we were sending a group of seven people to the Netherlands, and one woman, who did not believe in the shelter, asked the whole group to pray for the road and their arrangement near the bus.  God touches people every day here.  Our team tries to be an example of a real Christian, and it seems that we often succeed We also take care of people from our first shelter, the school.  But 11 people have already been taken from there to the second shelter, as the school wants to close as a shelter next week.  But for some, the state has already found another place, and for some we take in.  Also, the Methodist Church in Ukraine is now looking for land with houses in order to give housing to those who have nowhere to return, and to those whose homes and apartments have been destroyed.  And we are very involved in this process.  I am sure that God has a wonderful and blessed plan for these projects.  This week I served in the gypsy church.  It was wonderful!  Pastor Vasily asked me, as Pastor Joseph left for Germany for some time.  Also, I, Pasha, and our entire team send a lot of products and hygiene products to the most hot and needy places in Ukraine.  In the photo you can see the happy faces of people who received these products) Now we want to collect a large truckload of products, clothes, and hygiene products in Kharkov, people are in great need there, there is a humanitarian disaster.  Now we are making a plan for this big project, we want to do it in the near future.  We sleep little and work a lot, but God blesses us with such wonderful people who live with us... They all help us very much.  Someone took care of the cleaning, someone in the kitchen, and someone sits at the reception desk.  It is much easier for us to work now than before.  It's as if God took us by the hand and miraculously carried us forward.  We are very grateful to you and your church, you are doing incredible things.  We love you, our brothers in Christ Jesus!

Hi my dear brother in Christ, all monies received on the account! We have no words to express our appreciation and thankfulness. Now we are installing heating systems in every living room.  It's already cold in Uzhgorod) So, thank you! Thank your people in church! Thanks God! Our ministry continues to be as dynamic as in the previous months.  Now we are actively preparing for winter, as well as for receiving even more people. For this, we purchase heaters and bunk beds.  The school where our first shelter was located starts the educational process tomorrow.  Therefore, all the people from there were moved to another village.  We continue to take care of them.  In the main, there are elderly people.  In one of the women, against the background of the battles experienced in Kharkov, arthrosis began to develop very rapidly.  And things got so bad that she could lose the ability to walk.  But by a great miracle of God, we managed to agree with the doctor at the local hospital so that he would take her for an operation.  And she has been operated on for more than a month, and we hope that together we will manage to keep her able to walk.  As for the second shelter, which we call "hostel".  We had record settlements in July and early August.  Because fighting in the Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk and Donetsk regions became more active.  People from Kherson, Kramatorsk, Kharkov and other cities also continue to arrive.  We are very happy that we were able to host such a large number of people.  In July alone, more than 80 people lived with us.  Each person living in our shelters receives the necessary assistance, namely: comfortable living conditions, high-quality three meals a day, clothing, hygiene products, medicines, medical care, etc.  In order for all residents to have unlimited access to drinking water, we installed a special water filter.  Before that, water was delivered to us by drinking water companies, there was not enough of it and it was quite expensive.  All of the above, each person receives absolutely free.  For many people, we were able to find accommodation abroad for a long period.  Now hundreds of women with children live and go to school in complete safety and without air raid alerts.  It seems to me that I have already told you that we have arranged the delivery of humanitarian aid from the Netherlands through Slovakia to Ukraine, and every week we send women with children on the return route.  In addition to physical and material help, we try to help spiritually.  Every Sunday we take a large group of people to church.  For most, this is their first visit to a Protestant church.  Many children of our migrants go to the local school.  We also pay much attention to the organization of leisure activities for migrants.  We take children to Christian camps, excursions, acting classes, and sporting events.  For adults, we conduct training and meetings with psychologists.  We organize socializing, walks, various games, watching cartoons, as well as birthday celebrations.  An air conditioner was installed to maintain the temperature in the food warehouse.  We also partially paid for the repair of the toilet in our first shelter, at the school.  We also continue to provide targeted assistance by mail throughout Ukraine to all those in need.  Recently, we have sent more than 100 food parcels.  A couple of weeks ago we were given a minibus to use for our ministry.  Now we can transport more humanitarian aid, and also more people.  Thank God!  Also, now we are working on opening another shelter, where we plan to accommodate even more people for longer periods.  And we really hope that we will be able to organize jobs for migrants.  This is all possible thanks to God and partners like you and your church. Praise Jesus! Thank you so much for your support!
Hello dear Brother Patrick,
I send you some photos of our ministry in Ukraine, that We support. At the moment We help people near the front lines. Especially towns and villages that were liberated from the Russian occupation. We are talking about the Mikolajev region: Liman, Novoukrajinka, Zaselia, Kotlairovo, and Charkov region: Izum, Kamenka, Oskol, Kapitolinka. Besides refugees, we help also Ukrainian soldiers with food and clothes. This Week We are going to send more buses with food, clothes, and medicine. Thank you very much for your help and support. We couldn´t do it without you! We would like to thank you for your faithfulness in supporting our ministry! God bless you richly!
Patrick we've received the money! Slava Bogu!! May God bless you, your family and your church more! Many thanks to all who support us during such difficult times. Its very essential for us. We believe God will continue to fulfill His purposes so that more people here in Ukraine know Jesus and His love. As a church, we are called to be a light in all darkest times and to help people in their urgent needs in Jesus’ name. Praise God that together we can do more for Him and His glory! May Jesus bless you and your church! Have a blessed Sunday ministry today. Big Hello to all congregation from our church in Chernivtci! Thank you for your constant prayers, and for your spiritual and financial support of our church and our ministries, it’s very important and we very much appreciate it. We are grateful to God that you are with us during this time!

We took part in an evangelical ministry for refugees yesterday. Our brother Dima (my sister's husband, I talked to you about him) preached to them. In the photos and video, you can see people from different war-damaged regions of Ukraine. They were open to hearing about Christ and God's love. We prayed for them and all refugees received supply packages at the end of the ministry.
VBS for Ukraine Refugee Children
Awesome God! Your generous gifts and support to our friends in Ukraine provided the refugee children with an opportunity to learn about Jesus through Vacation Bible School. These little children have been touched by God’s greatness across the world.
Thank you!

By God’s Grace and the Love of Jesus we join our friends in Ukraine in faithful ministry. Serge Shvets shares “all we have here and all we do here is because of your huge heart. We are so much thanks to you and your church every day! Praise Jesus for your big help to do many people here! A little bit of photos from our shelter and some people who receive food and clothes by post in different parts of Ukraine”
A message from Patrick's friends and brothers in Christ and how we can pray for them:

"We are very busy, because we do two shelters at the same time. Now we have several people which need personal work with. For example, the family - pregnant girl with four children, and her mom has gone to Netherlands, but her father has stayed with us, because he has no passport, and he is citizen of Kazakhstan. So it's hard situation for us, but we already prepared all needed documents, and will send it to Lviv. Many stories like this. We try to do the best we can. And sometimes even more. For example, mom with 11 children and huge amount of baggage asked us for transfer from another city to our shelter, and we agreed with a pleasure, but we have no such big transport, only two little cars so we tried to find and we have find big bus and one more car for them, God makes miracles. Thank your prayers and for your permanent support!"
Pastor Patrick’s dear friend and church leader, Vladimir Vuksta, shared these pictures of the refugees in Ukraine that they have been aiding with the help of your support and prayers. People  in Ukraine stand in line to receive food from their ministry and this week Vladimir purchased food and supplies to deliver a 10th truckload to those in need. Amen! Thank you for sending them this LOVE!
Hello Dear Patrick,
Yesterday and today we sent a truck with food and clothes to Ukraine. These days we are expecting more refugees from Ukraine and more people are forced to leave their home and flee. Please pray for the situation in Ukraine. Please, say HUGE hello and THANK YOU to everyone who offer their money and support to refugees! May God bless you richly!
🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 This video made by our brothers from Kyiv churches, who serve in one of our shelters. Our ministry support of refugees is shown in it. You also can see which kind of help it requires.

Brothers expressed our gratitude to FIRST METHODIST and along with it to all brothers and sisters and churches who supported us with prayers and finances!
Glory to Christ!!!

  P.S. You can provide support on account of Ukraine MC. Details will provide in personal message.  We will appreciate your prayers and support.

District Superintendent of Ukraine UMC
Rev. Oleg Starodubets

🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦  We received secondary school in village Onokivci (near Uzghorod) as place for shelter several days ago. It is third place in Transcarpatia for shelter organised by Methodist Church of Ukraine. We started from our churches buildings in Kamyanitsa and Uzghorod. There are more than 60 refuges whom ran away of the war on 4th day of this shelter existance. We meet people at train station, provide them opportunity to rest, to have home meal, necessary clothes.  After several days of hosting them we transport people to the borders with Slovakia, Hungary, Romania. Our brothers and sisters from neighbours countries meet and host many our citizens. Thank you for sacrificial ministry with people in need, brothers and sisters! Thank you for prayers and financial support!

 Oleg Starodubets,  UMC District Superintendent of Ukraine.
Oksana, originally from Kyiv, Ukraine, has fled to the Netherlands with her two little children. Her husband has stayed behind in Western Ukraine and is helping with refugees. Watch this video to learn about the work that they are doing in the refugees center. Thank you for your generous donations. You are making a big impact on the lives of the refugees, who are mostly women and children. The stories are heartbreaking. 
Pastor Patrick spoke with WNCT 9 about the local support Ukraine is receiving. Click the link to see the complete story.
Meet Bila, one brave dog! Bila, together with about 200 other dogs, was rescued from Borodianka town in the Kyiv region which was under Russian occupation for a month. She survived 30 days without food or water in a cage under constant shelling. She is safe now and heading to Poland.
Your support for the people of Ukraine has been a blessing.

We have been able to provide supplies and food and now have received generous donations specifically designated to help animals and pets like Bila. Pastor Patrick has been coordinating the needs of the people in Ukraine who give him constant updates and words of appreciation for all of your support. Thank you!
Pastor Patrick is receiving daily updates from his brothers and sisters in Ukraine and is hearing that your prayers and donations are transforming into the hands and feet of Christ. Olia Kryvytska shared this list of organizations/ministries that your donations are supporting:

Foodbank for refugees in Lviv
The ministry of Genadiy Mokhnenko who helps refugees in Mariupol. (link below)

The ministry of Vitaliy Andriyets. He and his team are evacuating and bringing food and medicine to the cities in the east most affected by the war. (link below)

Dzherelo zhyttia church that is raising money to sew bulletproof vests for those who evacuate people from hot zones and the territorial defense who they bring food and other things that need. (link below)

The centre that helps people with disabilities (link below)

Misto Dobra, an organization that is raising money to build housing for children that have become orphans because of this war. (link below)

I am constantly on the lookout for the ministries/NGOs that would need it the most.
Thank you and everyone who has donated and is praying for us!
Donations Supporting Relief Efforts
Photo of some families staying in orphanages in Uzhgorod.
Vladimir Vuksta organized this truck with food and clothes that was sent to Ukraine to their churches in Transcarpathia. This is the 7th truck sent during this month of war. There are 80 refugees from the eastern part of Ukraine. Some stay at the church for a long time, while others stay some days and go to Slovakia or another country in Europe. God Bless you richly!
"I want to thank you for your support, it's so important right now. I want to share good news. Our ministry is expanding and we are glad that we can do more. In two and a half weeks we were able to receive about 450 people. We are infinitely glad that we can help people deal with problems. We help many people settle down abroad, we help many people settle down in Uzhgorod. Yesterday we were able to help displaced people who live in a kindergarten in our village. 31 people live there, many of them are children. We plan to further help them too. We are especially glad that we managed to find helpers for the school kitchen. Prior to this, our chefs worked all the time seven days a week, 12 hours a day. There is still a lot of work ahead, but we believe that everything will work out! After all, we feel God's special blessing on this ministry!"